How to Stop a Leaking Roof During a Heavy Rainstorm

Figuring out how to stop a leaking roof during a heavy rainstorm can mean huge number of dollars less in fixes. Rooftop leaks come in various sizes. Some could bring a long time to form into noticeable harm, while different holes are substantially more dramatic. Figure out how to make a temporary Roof Repair Long Island that will hold up sufficiently long to downplay the harm down. When the tempests have passed, you can call a respectable material organization to make lasting rooftop fixes like Baker Roofing and Construction in Long Island. Let’s get started with the entire cycle into these 6 stages. 6 Steps to Stopping a Leak during a Heavy Rainstorm Identify the Leak Dry and Clean the Immediate Damaged Area Trace the Leak to the Source Prepare a Temporary Patch Tarp the Roof Call the Professionals Dry and Clean the Immediate Damaged Area To start with, quickly move furniture, gadgets, and appliances that could be hurt by the leak . You can u...