Why should I have my Chimney Cleaned?

The chimney sweep's job is to clean out soot, blockages, and build-up creosote in your chimney liner and smoke chamber. This will make your heating system safer. A small amount of creosote glazing can create the potential for a chimney fireplace. The flammable creosote, which is formed from the burning of wood, builds up in your chimney liner. If you burn wood poorly or use a stove or burning appliance that isn't working properly, the rate of accumulation will be greater. Different wood types create different amounts of creosote depending on how they are burned. Chimney inspections should be performed once per year It is recommended that homeowners have an annual chimney inspection to ensure that their systems are working properly. A Chimney Cleaning is recommended by most homeowners every year, particularly if the homeowner uses their fireplace frequently. To ensure safer operation, other venting systems that are connected to stoves ...